Cardinal (Initiating, asserting, inventing) Water (Caring, sensitive, nurturing)
I (Self-directed, self-absorbed, youthful) Negative (Introverted, caretaking)
Fourth House (home, family, feelings) Moon (Mother, Child, emotional)
Cancer in balance: Loving, caring, protective, nurturing, intimate, empathic, giving, supporting, receptive, sensitive, maternal, present, loyal, tenacious, generous, imaginative, psychic, romantic, sentimental, affectionate, responsive, tender, humorous, devoted, prepared, patriotic, self-reliant, retentive, constant, sympathetic, expressive, passionate, playful, youthful, patient, gentle, kind.
Cancer out of balance: Possessive, jealous, stingy, defensive, passive-aggressive, withholding, withdrawing, panicy, hysterical, hypersensitive, projecting, blaming, clannish, intrusive, distorting, over-reacting, needy, clingy, nagging, controlling, sulking, brooding, touchy, insecure, moody, inconstant, unreliable, petty, maudlin, fearful, suspicious, immature, apprehensive, reclusive, overly nostalgic, self-centered, worried, overconcerned with own comfort and safety, afraid of being pinned down or trapped.
Medical Cancer: Breasts, stomach, chest; indigestion, nausea, overeating.
Cancer insufficiency: Unemotional, dry, too old, lack of rapport with (outer and inner) children.
Rulerships: Moon rules Cancer and the Fourth House. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Saturn is in detriment in Cancer, and Mars is in fall in Cancer.
Famous Cancerians: Rodgers & Hammerstein, Whistler, Harrison Ford, Bill Cosby, O.J. Simpson, Sylvester Stallone, Robin Williams, Art Linkletter, Abigail Van Buren & Ann Landers, Helen Keller, Mary Baker Eddy, Imelda Marcos, Meryl Streep, LInda Ronstadt, Marshall McLuhan, R. Buckmaster Fuller, Fritz Perls, Woodie Guthrie, Richard Bach, Bob Fosse, Herman Hesse, (2 Claude Debussy, William Blake, Goldie Hawn).
Astronomy: The Moon is so large that it is considered by astronomers as not a moon but a second planet, the Earth and Moon orbit around a common center; the Moon revolves around this center every 27½ days, and causes the tides of the oceans.
Correspondences: Opal, moonstone, pearl, all soft stones; silver, aluminum; melons, pumpkin, mushrooms, watercress, lettuce, willows; opalescent & iridescent colors, silver, gray, white, yellowish-white; shellfish, frogs, ducks, owl, cow, horse, snails, tortoise, mouse; Monday; irregular curves, crooked lines; insipid and odorless flavors; midwife, nurse, gynecologist, obstetrician, governess, fishermen, purveyors of food, dealers in liquids, advertising, estate agents, baker; breasts, pancreas, digestive & lymphatic systems, sympathetic nervous system, female reproductive system; diabetes, hypoglycemia, bladder and kidney disorders, asthma, carcinoma; the first four years of life.
Principles: Fertility, Yin, mother, female, receptive, cyclicity, rhythms, night, depths, unconscious, subconscious, habits, defenses, instincts, the womb, gestation, actuation, change, development, adaptation, self-preservation, sustenance, union, surrender, nature.
Actions: Parenting, protecting, defending, nurturing, watering, adapting, withdrawing, possessing, containing, supporting, receiving, softening, flowing, fluctuating, bonding, holding, creating, animating, domesticating, nesting, romanticizing, remembering, affiliating, introspecting, emoting, fantasizing, dreaming, bringing things to fruition.
The Gifts of Moon: The deepest love, with complete selflessness and openness. An instinctive and spiritual connection with Mother Nature and Goddesses. An awareness of the Sacred rhythm to life, and the music within it. The ability to relinquish control, to surrender and become the vessel for a Higher Source. The awareness of exactly what is needed in a situation, and the instinct to fulfill it.
The lessons Moon has to learn: To bring to consciousness what is hidden to self. To sort out one's own feelings from others. To live in the present, instead of the past or fantasy. To witness self in present time, especially when agitated. To let go of others, and objects, when it's time. To "teach others to fish" instead of fostering dependency.
The Fourth House
Western Hemisphere: Other-directed Ruler: Moon
Scope: First 3rd: personal territory & needs Mode: Angular: initiating, leader
Lower Hemisphere: subjective, personal Axis: home family 4th vs career public 10th
The Fourth House shows our deepest emotional conditioning, our personal feelings and unconscious actions, our nesting patterns and needs, and our relationship with our home.
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