A Flowchart of the Iyer Divisional Chart Analysis Method
By Hank Friedman
Note: some unusual features of Iyer's method, to take into account, are:
Unique Nodal rulerships, etc.: Rahu rules Aquarius and has dig bala in the 7th house, Ketu rules Aries and has dig bala in the 10th house, both nodes are exalted in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus. Always take into account their dispositor's strength (by sign, not house) when evaluating the dasa of either node.
Sole Enemies: If a planet is aspected by its sole enemy in a D chart, its dasa results are more negative than they would be otherwise. The sole enemy like a specific additional malefic for each planet. Since Rahu will always be with or opposite ketu, ignore its effect on ketu. The sequence: Sa --> Su --> Ju --> Ve --> Ra --> Ke --> Ma --> Me --> Mo --> Sa (e.g. Moon is sole enemy of Saturn)
Vargottama: If a dasa lord is in the same sign that it is in the birth chart, it is considered vargottama. A dasa lord that is vargottama is significantly strengthened, i.e. a strong positive influence.
Mercury: Mercury is always treated as a benefic in D charts.
Unique Amsas: Iyer computes certain divisional charts, e.g. D-16 and D-11, differently from more conventional methods. That is why most modern Vedic software produced in North America offers the option of selecting Iyer D charts.
1. Evaluate Conditioning by Dasa
A. Look at the dasa sequence from birth to the present. If the person has run the dasa of the ruler of the ascendant of the divisional chart – at an appropriate time in the person's life* -- then assess the placement of that dasa lord, and if it is clearly well-placed or poorly placed, then the subsequent dasas (throughout the life) will be respectively good or bad. In other words, if someone has a Leo ascendant in their D-9 Marriage divisional chart, and they ran the Sun dasa at a marriageable age, and the position of the Sun in the D-9 is good, then for the rest of their lives, relationships will go well.
*An appropriate time in the person's life (to run a dasa) is adulthood for career (D-10), marriage (D-9), children (D-7), assets (D-4) etc., and childhood for siblings (D-3), parents (D-12), health (D-6), education (D-24), etc.
B. Look at the dasa sequence for a particular theme/varga such as marriage. If during marriageable years, the first three dasas that run are of planets that are poorly placed in that varga, then a pattern of challenges in relationships is set into place, and difficult to change. (A positive pattern, of course, can also occur.)
2. Analyze each varga chart statically (i.e. without respect to dasa sequence):
A. Look for karaka bhavo nashya:
for the D-9, Venus (spouse) is in the 1st
for the D-12, Sun (father) or Moon (mother) in the 1st
for the D-3, Mars (younger sibling) or Jupiter (older sibling) in the 1st
for the D-7, Jupiter (child) in the 1st
If any of these occur in the relevant D chart, then the person indicated in parentheses or your relationship with them, is disrupted as a life them.
B. Evaluate the strength of the D chart. If there are many planets in or aspecting the 1st, or a planet in its own sign in the 1st, or the lord of the D chart strongly placed (and especially also aspecting the 1st), then that D chart is strong and things tend to go well in that arena of life.
C. Look for yogas in the D chart. (Note: only yogas that do not involve house rulership should be assessed.)
Yogas that should be noted include Maha Purusha yogas (true planet in own or exalted sign in an angle),
kartari yogas, (the effects of planets hemmed in by benefics and malefics)
mala yoga around the 1st house, if Mercury, Venus & Jupiter in the 12th, 1st & 2nd, great, if malefics bad.
neecha bhanga yoga, if the lord of a planet debilitated in a D chart is in a kendra or aspects the planet, good results (unless the debilitated planet is in 3, 6, 8, 12). If neecha bhanga exists because the neecha planet is conjunct its dispositor, the dasa of the neecha planet goes well, but not the dasa of its dispositor.
parivartana yoga, read planets in the D chart as if in their own sign (but do not move to the other house)
3. Begin the specific Dasa/Bhukti analysis:
A. For the Dasa lord, first look at house placement for the following:
I. Sankhya yogas. If the dasa lord is in one of these pairs of houses, look to the other house to see if it is occupied: 1/7, 2/12, 3/11, 4/10, 5/9, 6/8.
If there is no planet in the paired house, then the house placement is the major factor:
Dasa lord in houses 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, & 10 gives good results, dasa lord in houses 3, 6, 8, & 12 gives bad results, dasa lord in houses 2 or11 gives neutral but generally positive results unless other negative factors influence the dasa lord.
If there is a planet in the paired house, then a sankhya yoga exists. If the dasa lord is a malefic, its cycle is made worse (and even worse if the paired planet is a malefic). If the dasa lord is a benefic, then the cycle is made better (more better if the paired planet is a benefic). Subtle point: if the paired planets are in 1/7, 5/9, or 4/10 the dasa is better than paired planets with the dasa lord in 3, 6, 8, or 12, all other things taken into account.
If a malefic in a sankhya yoga is in poor condition, even worse results. If a benefic in a sankhya yoga is in good condition, better results. A well-conditioned planet in a bad house in a D-chart (without a sankhya yoga) indicates only somewhat undesirable results. Weak placement of a planet during its maha dasha can cause an unexpectedly positive event to reverse, cause problems, or otherwise be annulled.
B. Look for Influences upon the Dasa Lord and Important Exceptions:
i. Vargottama Lagna. If the lagna of a D chart is the same as the lagna of the birth chart, then that D chart's themes are very important to the person. Additionally, if the vargottama lord of the 1st house in the D chart is in a positive house and in good condition: the person is awake to themes of the D chart. If in negative house and weak: they're asleep.
mixed: dreaming.
ii. D chart vs. birth chart influence. In general in a person's life, if a planet is strong in the birth chart and weak in the D chart, its themes are good for the person. But during the dasa of a planet, the position in the D chart is much more significant than the position in the birth chart. If a planet is strong in both, great; if a planet is weak in both, very difficult. It is important to understand that a completely confluent pattern in the birth chart may not be reversed by an opposite them in a D chart, even during relevant dasa periods.
iii. Birth chart conditions that affect D charts. If a planet is seriously combust (within 3 degrees of the Sun), or in a planetary war (especially the loser of the war), then that planet's weakness permeates all of the D charts too. Similarly, someone born on the New Moon, e.g. with the Moon within 1/2 sign of the Sun, makes the Moon weak in all of the D charts. If a planet is retrograde at birth, on the other hand, it is stronger in all of the D charts.
iv. Redemption by a strong benefic. If Jupiter is strong in a D chart (by being vargottama, in own or exalted sign, or with dig bala, i.e. in 1st house), it will nullify a bad house placement or bad sankya yoga for every planet it aspects (except possibly Venus). A very strong Venus occasionally has a similar effect.
v. Disruption by debilitation. If a dasa lord is debilitated or even conjunct a debilitated planet, its themes are disrupted for that D chart.
vi. Karakas. If karakas of a theme are well placed in a D chart, good for the theme. (And vice versa.)
vii. Flanking. If the 1st house or dasa lord are flanked by poorly conditioned malefics, negative results. (vice versa, too.) If there are benefics in the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses of a D chart, this positive necklace has very positive results.
viii. Specific Planetary Exceptions. A Strong Mars in the 6th house in a D chart is good (unless paired with a malefic in the 8th). Saturn in the 1st house in good condition in the D-8 gives good results. Mercury in good condition in the 8th in D-4 gives good results. A weak and poorly placed Moon influenced by Ketu in the D-12 chart renders mother a widow, divorced, or separated from husband.
ix. Multiple Malefics. A dasa lord aspected by many malefics gives poorer results for that D chart.
x. Strong Malefics across Kendras. If a dasa lord is a strong malefic and the paired planet is a strong malefic, both across the 1/7 or 4/10 axis, then both dasas give good results.
xi. The 6th House. If a strong planet is in the 6th, the first half of the dasa goes well, and the second half poorly.
xii. Predicting Endings. If the dasa lord is in the 3rd or 8th house, without a redeeming sankya yoga, themes of the D chart will come to an end during the dasa, e.g. for D-10, career might end (retirement).
xiii. The 11th House. Especially for the D-11, the themes of the house placement of the dasa lord express themselves. For example, one's partner may receive honors if you are running the dasa of a well-placed planet in the 7th house of the D-11 chart.
xiv. Swabhukti. At the beginning of a dasa, when the planet is running its own bhukti, e.g. Sun/Sun, you only begin to notice the results of the dasa change if the dasa lord is in own sign in the birth or D-chart -- more powerful in D-chart – or in own nakshatra in birth chart. Otherwise, it is the second bhukti in which the effects of the dasa change are really notable.
xv. Sandhi. The time period immediately before and after a dasa lord changes to a new planet is a time of very significant flux. Many life changes will occur during this time.
C. Look at the relationship of the dasa lord to the bhukti lord.
I. How does the bhukti lord affect the dasa? If the two lords are not in mutual relationship and the bhukti lord does not have "control over the dasa lord", then the bhukti period is primarily determined by the dasa lord.
The dasa and bhukti lords are in mutual relationship if they mutually aspect each other, are in parivartana yoga, in each other's nakshatra, or are even in trinal or kendra relationship to each other. These mutual relationships are much stronger if they occur in the D chart, but should also be looked for in the birth chart if they don't exist in the D chart.
If they are in mutual relationship, then the dasa lord has the primary influence unless the condition of the bhukti lord is much more exaggerated (e.g. the dasa lord is ordinarily placed but the bhukti lord is either very strong or very weak).
The bhukti lord takes control over the dasa lord if:
a. The dasa lord is in the sign of the bhukti lord in the D chart, and not vice versa.
b. The dasa lord is in the nakshatra of the bhukti lord in the birth chart, and not vice versa.
c. The dasa lord is aspected by the bhukti lord in the D chart, and not vice versa.
d. If none of the above apply, and the dasa lord neither aspects nor rules the bhukti lord in the birth chart, but the bhukti lord does rule or aspect the dasa lord in the birth chart, the bhukti lord will have some influence on the dasa lord.
ii. What is the relationship between the dasa lord and the bhukti lord in the birth chart.
If the two lords have a noticeable relationship in the birth chart, then the bhukti period becomes a very important time for the fruition and resolution of the birth chart relationship between the two planets.
iii. To interpret the themes arising, look at the confluence between the dasa and bhukti lords in the birth chart.
If, in the birth chart, one lord rules the 5th and the other is in the 5th, or signficator for the 5th, or aspects the 5th or the 5th lord, then the themes of the 5th house are activated during the dasa/bhukti.
The true integration of Iyer techniques comes when you can "feel the lean" of the pattern in the chart you're examining and accurately predict through that recognition.
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