
Temporal Significators
The True Indicators of Life Themes
By Hank Friedman

[I again give deep thanks to Hart de Fouw for making Vedic astrology come alive for me. Without his profound teachings, none of my Jyotish articles could have been written.]

The word "significator", aka karaka in Vedic astrology, indicates a planet that represents a life theme or person.

There are natural significators, e.g. the Moon for mother, Sun for father, Jupiter for wealth, etc. and temporal significators, based upon the rulership of the house representing a specific life theme.

Natural significators are constant, i.e. they apply to all charts, while temporal significators occur for specific rising signs and house rulerships.

E.g. Venus is the natural significator for marital themes and the partner, but the lord of the 7th house and the occupants of the 7th house (and planets aspecting the 7th house) are temporal significators of the partner and the marriage.

Temporal significators are much more specific and precise, since they differ from one person's chart to another's, and therefore have much more predictive power and accuracy. (Two of my other articles on these significators can be viewed here and here.)

In addition, certain planetary rulerships and placements influence specific life themes for specific Ascendants, e.g. Saturn in the 7th house aspecting both of the houses representing ones parents.

Confluent Temporal Significators

In this article, I am focusing on temporal significators that have more than one link to a life theme.

If the significator of a person or life theme has more than one relationship with the house representing the theme, then it becomes the primary significator and carries much more weight.

For example, We can look for maternal themes from:

1. The natural significator -- the Moon


2. Planets in or aspecting the 4th house.


3. The 4th lord (ruler of the 4th house).

But if a planet meets two or more of these conditions (e.g. the Moon aspects the 4th house or the 4th lord is in the 4th house or the Moon is the 4th lord.), then the aforementioned reinforcement occurs.

Because of they are the primary indicators of a the life theme or person, I'm focusing on confluent temporal significators in this article.

The Three Sources of Temporal Effects

1. When a planet's natural significations coincide with the rulership of a house or houses with the same signification (e.g Venus as 7th lord); or when a significator occupies or aspects the thematic house, (like the Moon in the 10th house aspecting the 4th house).


2. A planet rules two houses that represent a theme.

(E.g. Mars rules the 4th and 9th of parents for those having Leo ascendants.)


3. A planet occupies and/or aspects two theme-connected houses.

(E.g. Mars in the 11th house aspecting the 2nd house, both houses of income.)

The Effects of Temporal Significators

When a planet is a temporal significator in a person's chart, it becomes a major indicator of how that life theme goes.

If the planet is well-placed -- strong and in a good house and aspected by benefics -- the theme goes well.

If it's poorly-placed -- weak and in a bad house and aspected by malefics -- the life theme becomes much more challenging.

Significators for Specific Ascendants

For Aries rising

Since Aries ascendant has a "natural" correspondence with the house, many natural and temporal signfications will coincide.

E.g .The Sun as 5th ruler has both a natural and temporal signification of self-expression, teaching, performing, and creativity for this ascendant. And similarly, the Moon as 4th lord for nurturing, emotions, neurology, mother, and home. Jupiter as 9th and 12th lords naturally and temporally indicates spiritual qualities, and mentors (9th). And Saturn as 10th lord indicates authority and reputation.

In addition, Venus rules the both Maraka houses ( 2 + 7) and so becomes a primary indicator of death/longevity and poverty/wealth and as 2nd lord represents the face and specifically facial beauty.

For Taurus rising

Mercury as the 2nd lord represents speech and business acumen.

Jupiter doubly signifies siblings, especially elder sibs.

Saturn as 10th lord indicates authority and reputation.

For Gemini Rising

Venus as 12th lord is a double indicator of sexual fulfillment or lack thereof.

Mars as 6th lord indicates enemies, conflicts, and acute illnesses and accidents.

Albert Einstein had both very powerful enemies and chronic illnesses for most of his adult life.

Note that his exalted Mars was both in the 8th house of chronic issues, and conjunct the North Node (a strong malefic).

Jupiter as 10th lord represents career success.

Saturn as the 8th lord governs longevity, chronic issues, and catastrophes.

For Cancer Rising

Writing is indicated by Mercury's placement as the 3rd lord.

Marilyn Monroe has a combust Mercury (also aspected by Mars) as the 3rd lord. Her autobiography was only published 10 years after her death.

Automobiles and other conveyances are doubly represented by Venus, as are fragrances and flowers, since Venus is the lord of the 4th house.

As 9th lord, Jupiter represent mentors, oneself as guru, and spiritual aspirations.

Saturn as the 8th lord governs longevity, chronic issues, and catastrophes.

For Leo Rising

Sun as a natural indicator of vitality, identity, and self projection has these themes strongly indicated since it also rules the Ascendant.

Mercury as lord of the two major financial houses (2 +11) is a primary indicator of wealth or lack thereof. In addition, speech and business acumen (2nd house). Similarly, as the 10th lord,

Mars governs property as 4th lord and Mars represents both parents by ruling the 4th and 9th houses. Therefore a well-placed Mars would indicate healthy parental themes.

Jupiter as 5th lord represents children.

Josephine Baker was a famous singer and dancer and undercover agent for the French resistance; she was also renowned for creating her "rainbow tribe" of adopted children, a dozen in all.

Her Jupiter is angular and participates in major yogas, including what I call a "spiritual Raja yoga" (the First Lord with the 5th Lord).

For Virgo Rising

As as the 10th lord, Mercury will indicate all things mercantile.

Venus as 2nd lord represents the face and specifically facial beauty.

Mars is the double signifier of siblings, especially younger ones, as well as courage and enterprise.

For Libra Rising

Saturn as secondary karaka of property influences building and land ownership.

For Scorpio Rising

The Sun as 10th lord is the double karaka of fame, success, authority, and recognition.

Venus as 12th lord is again a double indicator of sexual fulfillment or lack thereof.

Mars as 6th lord indicates enemies, conflicts, and acute illnesses and accidents.

Jupiter as 5th lord represents children.

Saturn as secondary karaka of property influences building and land ownership.

For Sagittarius Rising

The Sun both naturally and temporally represents ones father, and therefore its placement strongly affects paternal karma and themes.

As the 10th lord, Mercury will indicate all things mercantile.

For Capricorn Rising

Mars governs property as 4th lord.

For Aquarius Rising

Automobiles and other conveyances are doubly represented by Venus as 4th lord.

Mars is the double signifier of siblings, especially younger ones, as well as courage and enterprise.

Jupiter doubly signifies siblings, especially elder sibs.

Saturn as the 12th lord represents losses.

For Pisces Rising

The Moon governs themes of fertililty.

Jupiter as 10th lord represents career success.

Saturn as the 12th lord represents losses.

Aspects to Theme-connected houses

Since only Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn have special aspects, only they are considered using this approach.

Jupiter, especially if well-placed and not a dusthana lord, can lift up the themes involved, while Mars and Saturn can amplify challenges in many cases.

Note: always remember that if a planet is aspecting its own house, it will reinforce the house themes. "Even a rogue smiles at its own home". E.g. Saturn in the 4th house for an Aries rising chart aspects and smiles on the 10th house of Capricorn, which it rules, enhancing the career.

Examples of a planet aspecting theme-connected house are:


Mars in the 2nd house aspects both houses relating to children, spiritual rituals, and teachers (5th and 9th).

Mars in the 3rd house amplifies work efforts ( 3rd, 6th and 10th)

Mars in the 4th house affects friendships (4th and 11th).

Mars in the 5th house can disrupt sleep (8th and 12th).

Mars in the 8th house or the 11th house influences finances (11th and 2nd).

Mars in the 10th house energizes achievements and effects fame and reputation (1st and 10th).

Celine Dion has many indicators of success, one of which is a powerful Mars in the 10th house fueling her advancements in career.

Mars in the 6th or 12 houses can exacerbate addictive behavior.


Because Jupiter casts aspects on trinal houses, it amplifies the matters in those houses.

In Fire houses, Jupiter affects self-expression, dharma, children, and leadership and advising roles.

In Earth houses, Jupiter increases ones investment in work and financial affairs, and security.

In Air houses, Jupiter increases ones pursuit of pleasure and interactions, and commitment to others.

In Water houses, Jupiter reflects ones insights, intuition, and intimacy and pursuit of personal growth.


Saturn in the 1st house occupies/aspects success and enterprise houses (1st, 3rd, and 10th)

Saturn in the 2nd house or the 5th house occupies or aspects both income houses (2nd and 11th)

Saturn in the 3rd house aspects both spiritual and travel houses (9th and 12th)

Madalyn Murray O'Hair was the most famous atheist in America, and Saturn's aspect on her two spiritual houses indicated her disbelief in and disconnection from Spirit.*

Saturn in the 4th house aspects both success and fame houses (1st and 10th)

Saturn in the 7th house aspects both parental houses (4th and 9th)

Saturn in the 5th house aspects both maraka houses (2nd and 7th)

Saturn in the 6th house aspects/occupies all of the dusthanas (3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th) and can trigger addictive patterns (6th and 12th(

Saturn in the 9th house aspects both sibling houses (3rd and 11th houses).

Saturn in the 12th house occupies/aspects both travel and spiritual houses (9th and 12th)


How to use these understandings

The simple steps in applying these approaches are:

1. See if one or more planets meet any of the above conditions.

2. Assess the placement of the planet(s):


In any house except 6, 8, or 12 and not weak.

Weaknesses include combustion (within 6 degrees of the Sun), debilitated, in a planetary war (planets besides the Sun and Moon and nodes within 1 degree of each other), or a Moon within two signs of the Sun.


In house 6, 8, or 12 and weak.

3. Look for the impact on the themes indicated by the house(s) involved.

* One might ask, in the case of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, since Saturn is aspecting its own 9th house, why did this not enhance her spirituality?

My response is: first, that a planet aspecting its own house may influence some of the themes of the house without supporting all of them, depending upon the nature of the planet itself. Saturn tends to magnify hardship, doubt, and disbelief.

Given Saturn's nature, it did not afford her good paternal fortune either, but another 9th house theme is publishing, and she successfully published over a dozen books.

In addition, as my Vedic guru Hart de Fouw taught, if a planet aspecting its own house is itself only aspected by malefics, it is severely destabilized. Saturn is aspected by both Mars and Rahu.

Finally, Saturn is unhappily placed in the sign of enemy Moon, and its exaggerated Retrograde strength distorted her 9th house beliefs.

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