
Important Yogas
By Hank Friedman

An ongoing article, last updated
Saturday, December 7, 2024

What is a yoga?

Note: I wish to express my deep enduring gratitude towards Hart de Fouw for making Jyotish alive for me. He is the best teacher I've ever encountered.

A yoga is a configuration in a chart that is a combination of either positive or negative factors, resulting in respectively lifting up or bringing down the quality of a person's life, especially for the themes of the house occupied by the yoga.

Most yogas involve two planets or more planets (often with regard to their house rulership), but some only involve one planet.

One Planet Yogas

The most common one planet yoga is called a Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga.

The formula is simple: A true planet is found in a kendra (house 1, 4, 7, or 10) and is in its own sign or exalted.

(The true planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.)

Modifications and considerations:

By itself, this yoga is fairly common, so to really express itself fully:

The planet should not be aspected by a malefic (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu).

The above rule has been stated in many Vedic classics but an aspect by a malefic dilutes but does not negate the yoga's effects.

Strengthening factors: If the planet involved in this yoga has additional strength (Dig Bala, Retrograde, strong by sign in the Navamsha, strength in many Vargas, etc.) it will perform better.

It will also be augmented by receiving the aspect of a strong benefic.

Weakening Factors: If the planet has additional weaknesses (Combust, in Planetary War, debilitated in the Navamsha, etc.) it will perform less effectively.

Additionally, if the planet is strong via exaltation, it's dispositor (i.e. the planet ruling the sign it's in) cannot be very weak for the yoga to have full effects.

The Effect of the Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga: This yoga enhances greatly all of the positive significations of the planet therein.

Essentially, it makes it a "Super" planet.

E.g. If Mercury is making this yoga, the person has an excellent mind, great communication skills, clear perceptions, etc. (Provided, of course, that no other chart factors contravene.)

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